I was in my hobbit hole...er...apartment, when an intriguing e-mail arrived in my inbox. An email that promised fellowship, adventure, and the possibility of second breakfast.
"...we were hoping to have sort of a Hobbit party, if that's okay?"
As a rabid Tolkien fan, I could hardly contain my excitement and read on.
"Also, we'd like to bring our cat."
Livia and Daniel's waterfall elopement, not too far from Portland, definitely lived up to my Lord of the Rings expectations, and I'm thrilled they chose me to be part of their day.
Without further ado, I leave you with a Tolkien quote that I think nicely sums everything up.
"'Here is the heart of Elvendom on earth,' he said, 'and here my heart dwells ever...Come with me!'" - Aragorn, J.R.R Tolkien