mushroom cosplay

Of Mushrooms and Llamas

Sometimes, I get so caught up in client sessions that I forget to take on creative projects just for fun. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE weddings and portraits, but variety is the spice of life isn’t it?

Well, it doesn’t get much more creative than a mushroom cosplay session at a gorgeous house with LLAMAS IN COSTUME. This delightful foray into whimsy was hosted by the talented and lovely Victoria of The Phaneron Fae. She made most of these amazing mushroom hats and costumes!

We kicked off the shoot indoors while everyone was still putting the final touches on costuming and makeup. I loved that each mushroom had a distinct vibe and character, and, thanks to all the talented models, I think it really came through in the photos. We were all having a really great time with this shoot, just vibing really.

And then the llamas arrived.

The squeal I squealed when I witnessed the majestic fluffy goodness that was Pie as he alighted from the van was only rivaled by the follow-up squeal upon seeing his friend Briar. I was the heart-eyes emoji personified.

But consummate professional that I am, I refrained from launching myself at the llamas and resumed the shoot.

Without further ado, here is but a small sampling of the photos I snapped that day.

Phaneron Fae: Victoria

Red Mushroom: Erin
Orange Mushroom: Courtney
Yellow Mushroom: Michelle
Green Mushroom: Cassandra
Blue Mushroom: Aaron
Purple Mushroom: Autumn
Pink Mushroom: Alexandria

Llamas: Wit’s End Llama Consortium